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Build a network and support the next generation

Extend your reach beyond a regional network to connect with people from across the country through the flexible, on-demand program. A mentorship can be anything the mentor/mentee wants it to be from an informal, monthly discussion to a focused weekly meeting to help the mentee achieve specific goals.

A simple, hastle free process

Because the whole experience of finding a mentor or mentee is mobile and almost entirely automated, you’ll save time and won’t have to flip through endless profiles to find someone who matches your preferences.

See the impact

Whether you are a mentee or mentor, within a few sessions you’ll see the impact of your work. As a mentee you will be on the path to achieving your professional dreams and aspirations. From a mentor’s perspective, you will be able to see the person you are supporting grow in innumerable ways right before your eyes, knowing that it was your guidance that helped them find their path.